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Helping to decarbonise Edinburgh’s real estate

Photo credit: Richie Chan
3 minutes

Helping to decarbonise Edinburgh’s real estate

We have been appointed to develop the City of Edinburgh Council’s Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) as the authority presses ahead with plans to decarbonise homes, workplaces, and public buildings.

The strategy will not only cover the Council’s directly held and managed assets but all publicly and privately held buildings in the city limits – from homes, offices and factories to hospitals, schools and libraries.

We will undertake a detailed policy review and assessments of data for existing buildings, which in turn will inform a comprehensive programme for systematic carbon reduction that also brings benefits in energy security and lower bills. The resulting plans will be presented for public consultation prior to their adoption by the end of 2023.

The programme will draw on our skills in sustainability and net-zero consulting. We will work in collaboration with leading consultants Ramboll to advise on possible heat network zones across the city and Changeworks, Scotland’s leading environmental charity delivering solutions for low-carbon living, who will deliver complex data analytics on building stock decarbonisation pathways.

Under guidance from the Scottish Government, each local authority across Scotland will prepare an equivalent LHEES reflecting the particular socio-economic needs of the community and the performance characteristics of buildings across the area, to help drive the country’s net-zero ambitions.

This appointment will build on our existing retrofit programme with the City of Edinburgh Council, which includes whole house refurbishment on the authority’s directly managed estate. This involves providing end-to-end project and cost management services for a whole building retrofit of Oxcars and Inchmickery Courts. This project is intended as an exemplar of successfully retrofitting social housing at scale to reduce energy and emissions as well as tackle fuel poverty.

Hassan Waheed, Sustainability Lead, Scotland, said:

Scotland is leading the way in its guidance for local authorities to drive the decarbonisation of the country’s building stock. This is a significant challenge but one which will play a critical role in reaching Scotland’s 2045 net-zero targets."

“Our expertise in decarbonisation schemes across the public sector puts us in a strong position to help the City of Edinburgh Council to face up to this challenge. We’re pleased to be building on our long-standing relationship with the council to make homes, hospitals, and schools more energy efficient – for the benefit of the environment and Edinburgh’s residents.”

Councillor Cammy Day, Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, commented:

Edinburgh has set ambitious targets around becoming a net-zero city by 2030 and we continue to lead the way in this field. We know that the energy used to heat our buildings is a major contributor towards emissions, so decarbonising our building stock is a crucial part of achieving this goal."

“This strategy will provide us with a route map for achieving this and I’m looking forward to seeing our partners deliver this for us as we head towards becoming Scotland’s sustainable capital city”.

For further information contact:

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Charlotte Treadwell

UK Communications Manager