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Khomanani Healthcare Centre in South Africa

We continue to create long term sustainable impact in Africa by pairing each of our offices in the region with a dedicated charity partner, focusing on youth, education and sustainability.

Sustainable future

One of the many projects we support is the Khomanani Healthcare Centre in South Africa, which includes a day care called Creche Gabrielle and provides education, access to healthcare and daily meals to children and young people in the local community.

Our goal is to create a sustainable future for the community, and one of the ways we have done this is by planting trees and creating a vegetable garden to feed generations to come. There are currently 400 children who receive food from this vegetable garden so expansion and investment is crucial.

Our long-term involvement in Khomanani Healthcare Centre will help break the cycle of poverty, build a more equitable future, and remove barriers to opportunity.

Promoting ambition

Elsewhere, we’re working on a Career Ready Mentorship programme in Uganda, helping to equip emerging professionals with the needed confidence, skills, and knowledge to achieve their life and career goals.

In Botswana, we are supporting students at Molwane Primary by sponsoring boot camps for standard seven students prior to them writing their exams, allowing them to stay in school for two weeks to prepare for their exams.

Providing for communities

In Kenya, we are supporting young girls and women who lack access to essential feminine hygiene products such as sanitary pads, which is a huge barrier to furthering education and work opportunities.

We have partnered with the Wezesha Binti foundation in contributing towards the #OneWishOneKit initiative. This initiative saw the donation of kits containing feminine hygiene and wellbeing information to two schools just outside Nairobi.

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