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Driving change through industry collaboration

It is well known that the construction industry is under constant pressure to do more for less, getting better outcomes at a lower price, while simultaneously upholding higher standards of delivery.

Industry body Constructing Excellence is uniquely placed to positively disrupt and drive better performance by encouraging the private and public sector to work together (UN SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure). In his role as co-chair David Whysall is leading the charge.

“The Constructing Excellence movement is unique in drawing together a cross-discipline and diverse group across the industry that, through working together, can enable change. Its regional partnerships have been driving the UK’s Industry Change Agenda through local networks and also working on innovation and inspiring future talent."

Increasing diversity and attracting new entrants to the construction sector will provide firm foundations for the industry’s future.

Through an inspiring conference this year, we brought together young talent from across the UK to discuss how the industry could present a new, more dynamic and engaging outward image.

“Gathering momentum globally, Constructing Excellence hubs opened in the Middle East and across Asia; it now operates in eight regional centres and 36 best practice clubs. It also welcomed the European Construction Institute into the movement meaning the natural resources sector can now work with the wider construction sector."

“Through its activity and networks, Constructing Excellence is helping widen its influence to shape best practice. I’m really proud to be part of the leadership team for this movement, driving fundamental improvements in the industry and encouraging greater collaboration.”

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