
Finding new approaches to deliver on demand for broadband and new communication technologies.


Market context

In an industry that is naturally tied to a fast pace of technological change, organisations must find new approaches to delivery to meet demand.

In Asia and the Middle East there is a notable upswing in voice and data custom, most significantly in India and China. In other countries legacy communication networks, working around old buildings and infrastructure, plus the high cost of installing new cabling are hindering the speed at which superfast broadband is rolled out.

As big data is increasingly harnessed to understand consumers and people continue to depend on data in their home and work lives, data centre projects are increasingly important and need to be carefully planned to avoid any outages. Adequate, resilient power is the key, making location a crucial factor.

At the same time governments have become increasingly active in the regulation of telecommunication infrastructure and public-private partnerships are coming to the fore as the mechanism for achieving infrastructure projects. These new relationships need planning to ensure projects fully deliver.

Meeting the challenges

In a fast-changing market we have on-the-ground knowledge of legacy communications infrastructure around the world, an understanding of speed and quality ambitions, insights into potential demand and an appreciation of new system design.

Our international project experience means we understand time, cost and quality objectives, as well as the benefits of taking a programme approach. Our detailed project data means we can guide clients through the logistics, cost and time implications of highly technical communication infrastructure projects during design and build stages.

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